J. Francisco Insurance Agency
April, 28 2023

What is medicare and why do I need it?

As you get older, your healthcare needs tend to increase, which is why having access to affordable healthcare becomes crucial. Medicare is a government-funded health insurance program that helps senior citizens and people with certain disabilities pay for their healthcare expenses.
History of Medicare
Medicare was created in 1965 as part of the Social Security Act by President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was designed to provide health insurance for individuals aged 65 and older, and for people with certain disabilities. At first, Medicare only covered hospital expenses, but over time, it expanded to cover other healthcare services, such as doctor visits, outpatient care, and prescription drugs.
Who qualifies for Medicare
To qualify for Medicare, you must meet certain criteria, including:

  • You are 65 years of age or older.
  • You are younger than 65 but have a disability.
  • You have end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS).
Why do I need Medicare
The cost of healthcare in the United States can be incredibly high, especially for older adults or people with disabilities. Medicare helps cover the cost of healthcare services, including hospital stays, doctor visits, and prescription drugs, which can save you money and provide you with peace of mind.
    When do I need it
    Most people become eligible for Medicare when they turn 65 years old. However, if you have a disability or a specific medical condition, you may be eligible for Medicare before you turn 65.
      How does Medicare benefit me
      Medicare offers several benefits, including:

      • Hospital insurance (Part A) which covers inpatient care, skilled nursing care, and hospice care.
      • Medical insurance (Part B) which covers doctor visits, outpatient care, preventive services, and medical equipment.
      • Prescription drug coverage (Part D) which covers the cost of prescription drugs.
      • Medicare Advantage (Part C) which is an alternative to traditional Medicare and includes hospital and medical insurance, as well as additional benefits, such as dental and vision coverage.
        Who are the top providers in California
        Some of the top Medicare providers in California include Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, Humana, Scan Health Plan, Physicians Mutual and UnitedHealthcare.
            What is not covered by Medicare
            While Medicare covers a wide range of healthcare services, it doesn't cover everything. Some things that Medicare doesn't cover include:

            • Long-term care
            • Dental care
            • Vision care
            • Hearing aids
            • Cosmetic surgery
                Choosing the right agent for you
                Choosing the right agent to help you navigate Medicare can be overwhelming. It's important to find an agent who is knowledgeable about Medicare, can explain your options clearly, and is available to answer your questions. Jennifer Francisco is a knowledgable, compassionate, patient, and experienced agent who works with all of the top providers. Schedule your free consultation today to discuss your needs.
                      In conclusion, Medicare is a government-funded health insurance program that helps senior citizens and people with certain disabilities pay for their healthcare expenses. It provides peace of mind by covering the cost of healthcare services, including hospital stays, doctor visits, and prescription drugs. While it doesn't cover everything, Medicare is an essential program for many Americans, and choosing the right agent can help you make the most of it.
                            *Disclaimer: This page has not been reviewed or endorsed by Medicare.gov or any member of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
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                                  Phone: +619-335-8237
                                  E-mail: jennifer@jfranciscoinsures.com
                                  San Diego, CA
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